Our Story

who we are...

Here's the deal, Still Water cares about one thing more than anything else, Jesus Christ. Still Water Community Church is a family of individuals that have found hope in Jesus, and simply want as many people as possible to experience that exact same freedom.

How it all started...

During the summer of 2006 several families in the Rowlett area gathered to spend time in prayer, seeking the Lord, inquiring of His plans both as individuals and as a group. What was He desiring to do in Rowlett, and what part were they to play? As those individuals gathered in the living room of one of the families, praying and asking God for his direction, over several weeks there was strong agreement, a common theme. They understood that the Lord was calling them to begin a new church within the city of Rowlett. Each family had their own story of the leading of God in this area, but all of the stories arose from a common thread, and they agreed to trust the Lord in his leading and began laying the groundwork for what was to become Still Water Community Church.
Still Water had its first gathering in the living room of Richard & Denise Pope, packing over 200 people in their home for the first "official" worship service on August 20, 2006, with Pastor Kurt Horting leading.
After that meeting it became apparent that a bigger place was going to be needed for this church that had as its mission a call to REACH, TEACH and MULTIPLY. The next meeting of Still Water took place on a Sunday evening two weeks later in leased space at a small church in Rowlett. During this time that Still Water met on Sunday evenings, we were bringing in all of our own needs, to support worship and children's ministry.  Yet God is good and Still Water continued to grow as people came and continued to join this new congregation.
Later that year Still Water leased a slightly larger facility, again meeting in the evenings. This new facility offered more room to grow, and again God blessed Still Water, as we saw our first baptisms happen in this facility.
All during this time the elders, and the church continued to pray seeking what God would do, remaining committed to being "tenants" for as long as God willed, and continuing to intentionally reach out to the community around us.
It was during this summer of 2007 while Still Water was continuing to meet in the leased facility Sunday evenings --- God moved.  
Almost one year exactly since the group started gathering in the Popes living room God moved and opening a permanent home for Still Water. Through the grace of God, Still Water was presented with the opportunity to purchase an existing church property at 8401 Princeton Road in Rowlett. On September 9, 2007 less than thirteen months since its beginning, Still Water Community Church held its first two Sunday morning services at 9:00 and 11:00 AM in our new home. God  blessed Still Water to be able to purchase this five acre site with an existing sanctuary and children's wing and pay for it in full, allowing us to keep to our belief that we were to be debt free.

Where we are headed...

What's the bottom line? More than ever, Still Water is committed to the great commission. Our desire is to reach Rowlett and surrounding communities with the Gospel message. As we move forward as a church family, inclusion and belonging remain at the center of who we are as followers of Christ.


What does this mean for you? Most importantly, you're always welcome at Still Water. We're saving a seat for you. Wherever you're at in your faith journey, you'll always be accepted as part of the Still Water family.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:00 am and 11 am.